Effective Air has certified HVAC technicians equipped to handle your AC installation near Wilmette IL.

Ways to Save Energy

Effective Air protects our environment while helping you to trim monthly costs and improve home comfort. Eliminating energy waste and providing superior management of HVAC equipment pays for itself. You’ll save money, enjoy more evenly distributed heating and cooling, and benefit from healthier air quality. Serving the Chicagoland North Shore since 1940, we’ve honed our services to bring our customers maximum rewards from their investment.

We’ll Help You Save Energy!

Effective Air is a small, family owned business, and we are aware of the challenges of a busy lifestyle. You are not only concerned with reducing monthly utility bills, you need solutions that require little maintenance and simplify demand. Rest assured, our trained and experienced professionals tailor our recommendations to suit your requirements and goals, handle every stage of your project, and deliver results that more than satisfy. Contact us for energy saving tips, strategies, and effective upgrades throughout Glenview, Kenilworth, Wilmette, Winnetka, Evanston & Highlands Ranch, Skokie, Glencoe, Northbrook, IL.

  • Additional Return Air Runs – At Effective Air we combat issues with HVAC airflow problems with the installation of additional returns. That advantage is a greater supply of air into the home. Superior airflow and comfort are combined with quieter equipment operation, fewer malfunctions, extended service life and reduced running costs. While insufficient return air is a common issue in many homes, the solution is simple, affordable, and rewarding.
  • Attic Ventilator – Minimize the workload of your cooling system with an attic ventilator. The unit exhausts hot air from the attic space and introduces cooler air from the outside, creating a circulation of air that significantly reduces wear and tear on your air conditioner. The result is fewer malfunctions from cooling equipment, extended life span, and shorter cycling. Your home will cool down much quicker, feel more comfortable, and you’ll save money on utility costs..
  • Digital Setback Thermostat – Making energy savings convenient, a Digital Setback Thermostat accommodates your hectic weekly or daily schedule. Allowing easy programming to match your routine, the thermostat automatically controls heating and cooling systems to trim energy usage when you are out of the house and welcome you home to ideal temperature. There’s no need to remember to adjust the thermostat on your way out the door, and no need to maintain an empty house at the perfect comfort level.